Media releases

Sports star endorsement works a treat on junk food packaging

28 May 2013
Claims such as 'Good source of calcium and protein' and sports star endorsements on food packaging do influence children's choices.

New research: Killer-joules and traffic lights on fast food menus make for healthier choices

10 Apr 2013
A coalition of leading health agencies is calling on the Victorian Government to implement kilojoule and traffic light labelling on fast food menus in light of new research showing the combination of information can lead consumers to make healthier choices.

Health groups release detailed investigation into failure of junk food marketing codes

12 Nov 2012
Today, the Obesity Policy Coalition, a coalition of leading health bodies, has released one of the most comprehensive investigations into Australia's self-regulatory system for food marketing ever undertaken.

Salt, fat and energy reduction targets only valuable if monitored

10 Oct 2012
The government and the Australian public should be wary of the Australian Food and Grocery Council's (AFGC) Healthier Australia Commitment, which was launched today, according to the Obesity Policy Coalition (OPC).

Vic report: Obesity crisis grossly understated

27 Sep 2012
The Victorian Health Monitor has found that obesity prevalence in Victoria has been grossly underestimated. The report found that, when measured, almost 25 per cent of the Victorian population has a BMI in the obese category, which is much higher than the 17 per cent rate based on self-reporting.

Health groups say parents & kids will benefit from ACT Greens' junk food ad commitment

12 Sep 2012
The OPC has backed an election commitment announced today by the ACT Greens to restrict junk food advertising directed at children. The proposed plan would mean junk food advertising was no longer able to be shown on TV when large numbers of children are watching.

Post-Olympics: Who really owns our children's sport?

13 Aug 2012
Amid post-Olympics calls to review Australia's sporting performance, a coalition of health agencies has urged the government to restrict junk food companies from investing in junior sport and instead assist organisations to find more appropriate sponsors.

Australians will support government initiatives to tackle obesity

3 Aug 2012
There is strong public support for the introduction of policy initiatives to support healthy eating.

Walt Disney's junk food ad ban exposes TV's influence on kids

7 Jun 2012
Walt Disney has announced it will institute a junk food advertising ban on programs for children across its networks.

Mac off – Get junk food out of junior sports

11 May 2012
A coalition of leading health agencies, the Obesity Policy Coalition is calling on the Victorian Government to kick junk food brand promotion out of children's sports in light of the latest incursion by McDonald's into junior football yesterday – the Mac Pack.

Vic Govt's Healthy Eating Enterprise will help tackle obesity time bomb

6 Mar 2012
The Obesity Policy Coalition has applauded the Victorian Government's Healthy Eating Enterprise stating it is going to the heart of the issue and tackling some of the key drivers of obesity by integrating and embedding principles around healthy eating where people work, play and live.

Labelling forum must put health on front of pack

9 Dec 2011
The Food Regulation Forum must use the next six months to lead the development of an effective, easy to understand front-of-pack labelling system that puts the health of Australians above corporate profits, according to the Obesity Policy Coalition.

It's a Knockout! ACMA report delivers blow to self-regulation

7 Dec 2011
A report released today by the media watchdog, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), further highlights the inadequacy of self-regulation of junk food advertising, according to Jane Martin, senior policy adviser for the Obesity Policy Coalition.

Corporate wealth wins over consumer health: labelling review

30 Nov 2011
The Federal Government has bowed to food industry pressure by rejecting traffic light labels in its response to the Labelling Logic review today, according to Jane Martin, senior policy adviser for the Obesity Policy Coalition.

OPC urges Senate to support junk ad bill

21 Nov 2011
The Obesity Policy Coalition (OPC) has urged all Federal MPs to support a Bill to be introduced into the Senate tomorrow to protect children from junk food advertising.
Total 161 articles in this section.
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