Policy & Research

Food for Health Alliance advocates for policy reform to create to a heathier food environment.

Our policy work is informed by the evidence of what is most effective in improving diets and reducing overweight and obesity. We support changes across the food system, as well as to areas beyond the food system that we know can influence health. We advocate for the health and wellbeing of all Australians, particularly children, to be prioritised by all governments in Australia, and to be put above the profits of the processed food and related industries.




To help inform the development and implementation of effective food policy in Australia, Food for Health Alliance makes submissions to relevant Commonwealth, State and Territory government consultations and inquires, as well as to some relevant international consultations.


Mum, toddler son in fresh food section of supermarket selecting a capsicum

Inquiry into Diabetes 2023

Food for Health Alliance's submission for the Inquiry into Diabetes recommends implementing a package of reforms to prevent obesity, improve diets and reduce risks for chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes. Key priority reforms put forward include implementing a 20% health levy on sugary drink manufacturers; comprehensive government regulation to protect children from unhealthy food marketing; and mandating and strengthening the Health Star Rating system across all packaged foods. Read more
Girl running in field

National Climate and Health Strategy Consultation

All aspects of climate change are interlinked with human health and reducing the health risks from climate change requires working across all sectors and levels of government. Read our submission to the National Climate and Health Strategy Consultation where we recommend that the Strategy is directed towards reducing the current risks to population health from climate change, and to maximise the health co-benefits of carefully designed climate mitigation and adaptation actions. Read more
Toddler eating passionfruit with a spoon

Australian Government Early Years Strategy

Food for Health Alliance submission on the Commonwealth Governments Early Years Strategy highlights the need for this strategy to include nutrition as a key part of the vision and outcomes for the early years. Read more

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Effective policy and regulatory change must be evidence-based. Our work is informed by current evidence, and we work with researchers, health professionals and other policy experts to build, inform and communicate the evidence on diets, obesity prevention, trends, and impacts.



Obesity Evidence Hub

Obesity Evidence Hub

The hub is an easy-to-use website, maintained by Food for Health Alliance, that identifies key evidence and data on diets and overweight and obesity issues across five key areas – trends, impacts, prevention, treatment, and environment. Read more
high sugar warning label

Food for Health Alliance to work on MRFF grant study into sugar warning labels on baby & toddler foods

Food for Health Alliance is excited to be working on a Medical Research Future Fund grant study to support research into the effectiveness of added sugar warning labels on baby and toddler foods. The research will be led by Cancer Council Victoria. Read more
soft drink soda cans

Obesity prevention and related public health advertising versus competing commercial advertising expenditure in Australia

The aim of this study was to compare advertising expenditure on public health campaigns for obesity prevention (and related healthy eating and physical activity campaigns) with competing commercial categories. Read more

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What we do

We identify, analyse and advocate for evidence-informed policy and regulatory reforms to improve our food environment – how our food is made, labelled, sold and advertised.


Learn more about our latest campaigns to improve Australia’s food environments.

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