Tipping the


Quote Quote

Eight actions the Australian Federal Government must take to reduce the strain of excess weight and poor diets on the nation’s physical and economic health.

In September 2017 more than 35 leading community, public health, medical and academic groups united for the first time to call for urgent Federal Government action to address Australia’s serious obesity problem.

In the ground-breaking report, Tipping the Scales, the agencies identify eight clear, practical, evidence-based actions the Australian Federal Government must take to reduce the enormous strain excess weight and poor diets are having on the nation’s physical and economic health.

Led by the Food for Health Alliance (then Obesity Policy Coalition) and Deakin University’s Global Obesity Centre (GLOBE), Tipping the Scales draws on national and international recommendations to highlight where action is required.

Tipping the Scales: Australian Obesity Prevention Consensus

This consensus document delivers a rigorous and evidence-based agenda to our Federal Government and establishes the key elements to include in a national strategy, as well as the basis for an ongoing dialogue, about the best ways to address the obesity epidemic.

Tipping the Scales: summary sheet

Summary document of the Tipping the Scales eight key points.

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